There are 900,000 active physicians and 3.1 million registered nurses delivering care in the United States and another 14.7 million people with healthcare-related occupations. In other words - we are a force. If a fraction of our workforce said “No More”, real change can be achieved. This is why no single organization, doctor, nurse (or podcast) can make real change for an outdated system - but together we can.
Change Starts With Us
The healthcare workforce is the most valuable asset of any healthcare organization. They are the repository of organizational culture and the ambassadors of the brand. Minimizing their risk of moral injury is essential to optimizing the performance, satisfaction, and retention of exceptional employees. It is also a key factor in attracting candidates for open positions.
Preventing and mitigating moral injury means taking action toward change.
We can help you identify and address these challenges to bring out the best in your healthcare workforce.
Get a virtual or an in-person overview of moral injury and why it matters for the health of your organization.
Get a quick snapshot of organizational health or a deep dive to discover pockets of strength and areas ready for change.
Reestablishing a vital organization depends on healthy leaders. That’s why we start our support at the top.
Making change is the easy part. Keeping it is tricky. A steady partner makes success more likely.
Need an introduction to our work? A jump start? A refresher? Workshops are the perfect solution.
Does your team need discrete skills to implement your culture strategy? We offer online or in-person, customized trainings.
Moral Injury is not a problem we can solve alone.
Let's change for the better, together.
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