In the News

Becker's: "We all pay a price for doctors' moral injury"
June 18, 2024 — In Becker's Hospital Review, our CEO Dr. Wendy Dean and Dr. Christian Macedonia co-author a must-read column.

WellNURSE Podcast
June 3, 2024 — In a new episode of WellNURSE, Dr. Dean delves into the crucial topic of moral injury, exploring how to recognize it and its profound impact on healthcare professionals, offering insightful strategies to address this pressing issue.

Building a Morally Centered Healthcare Organization
June 1, 2024 — In the spring issue of AFT Health Care, Dr. Dean writes a long-form article. The publication is the AFT union's healthcare division journal that represents more than 70,000 members in 100 locals in 18 states and territories.

WJLA: Healthcare worker burnout, solutions addressed in new podcast led by GW institute
May 28, 2024 — In an excellent article, WJLA, the ABC News affiliate for the greater Washington, DC area, features the new podcast from The Mullan Institute's Workplace Change Collaborative being hosted by Dr. Dean.

Harvard Crimson: 'A Profession of Sacrifice': Harvard Medical School Administrators, Students Grapple with Growing Personal Tolls of Medicine
May 23, 2024 — At Harvard, future doctors are grappling with recent changes to the medical landscape that have exacerbated burnout and moral injury.

The Podcast by KevinMD: Physician Well-being in a Corporatized Healthcare System
May 15, 2024 — Our CEO and Co-founder Dr. Wendy Dean joined Dr. Kevin Pho for a new episode of his podcast.

GW Hatchet: Milken launches podcast to increase awareness of moral injury in healthcare
May 13, 2024 — Today in the GW Hatchet, Max Johnson writes an excellent article featuring the launch of The Mullan Institute's new podcast from its Workplace Change Collaborative hosted by our CEO and Co-founder Dr. Wendy Dean.

HEALTH CARE un-covered: ‘Moral Injury’ Enters Health Care Lexicon
April 23, 2024 — In a new article, Wendell Potter extensively features our CEO and Co-founder Dr. Wendy Dean's journey and the work we are doing every day. According to Dr. Dean, "We have changed the lexicon of healthcare.”

Federal Practitioner | Moral Injury in Health Care: A Unified Definition and its Relationship to Burnout
April 15, 2024 — In this month's issue of Federal Practitioner, our Co-founders Drs. Wendy Dean and Simon Talbot publish their latest paper, Moral Injury in Health Care: A Unified Definition and its Relationship to Burnout.

Rx for Success Podcast
April 8, 2024 — Our CEO Dr. Wendy Dean joined the Rx for Success podcast for an in-depth conversation with Dr. Randy Cook.

Schwartz Center Webinar | "Reframing Distress: Why Moral Injury Matters"
March 20, 2024 — Our CEO and co-founder Dr. Wendy Dean joined the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare for a special webinar, "Reframing Distress: Why Moral Injury Matters."

POLITICO Features Moral Injury of Healthcare
March 18, 2024 — POLITICO published a piece in its Future Pulse column entitled, “It’s not burnout, it’s moral injury.”
Cross-Government Inquiry, Webinar with our CEO, and HWWB Day
March 14, 2024 — Today, Moral Injury of Healthcare is pleased to share recent developments and upcoming events.
Moral Injury of Healthcare Endorses H.R. 7153
February 14, 2024 — This morning, the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Health will hold a legislative hearing titled "Legislative Proposals to Support Patients and Caregivers.”

"If I Betray These Words" Announced as Bronze Winner for 3rd Annual Anthem Awards
If I Betray These Words: Moral Injury in Medicine and Why It's So Hard for Clinicians to Put Patients First is a Bronze Winner in the Book, Story, or Feature category for the 3rd Annual Anthem Awards.

Take EM Back Summit - Moral Injury and Losing a Profession
Wendy Dean, MD speaks on what the corporate practice of health care has done to the medical profession. What does this mean to us as professionals and physicians?

The Case Against Loving Your Job
This is a conversation about the dissonance between our expectations of what work can offer our lives and the reality of what our jobs and careers are capable of delivering; about whether work can ever really love us back. But there’s a bigger picture here, too. Workers are quitting their jobs in record numbers. Strikes are taking place across the country. In her role as a labor reporter, Jaffe has spent much of the past year interviewing workers across the country — spanning industries from retail to health care to tech — giving her insight into the shift in attitudes behind this uproar in the labor market. So that’s where we begin: Why are so many Americans radically rethinking work?

What's driving the pandemic's health care exodus
1 in 5 American health care workers have left the profession since the pandemic hit. The pandemic has pushed what was already a tough situation into crisis mode. And as psychiatrist Wendy Dean sees it, this is more than just burnout.

Financial Times: ‘I just feel broken’
Burnout and the burden of life-and-death decisions have driven some exhausted front-line staff to the edge. In this long-form piece by Financial Times writer India Ross, Dr. Wendy Dean lends her expertise as a psychiatrist and the framework of moral injury to contextualize the deep trauma facing healthcare workers today.

Psychology Today: The World in Trauma
The country of the United States is experiencing complex trauma. That trauma is silently influencing how we think, how we make decisions, and how we act in powerful ways that are predictable to experts in psychological trauma, but often obscure to those in the midst of it.
Tell us your story.
We invite you to share your experience with us and contribute to the growing story of Moral Injury’s impact on the health care industry.